Philip's Wedding.
Chinese Sit-down Style Menu:
1.百年好合 cold platters
2.三絲排翅扣寶 upside down strips
3.酸辣魚翅腦 sour spicy shark's fin
4.醋溜雙果脆繕 sweet sour nuts veggie fish
5.黑椒齋捲杏鮑時蔬 ham and mushroom roll
6.佛跳牆 Budda jump wall soup
7.香椿鮮蔬炒飯 veggie fried rice with Toona
8. 三杯雞 Three cups chicken
9. 清蒸薣汁鱈魚 codfish with black bean sauce
10.鳳梨蝦球 Shrimp ball with pineapple
11.鮮炒合菜steam mix green
12. 水果甜點 Fresh fruit and desserts

Leo's Wedding.
Buffet Style Menu:
1.春捲 / 越式生春捲Spring Roll / Vietams S.R.
2.什錦炒麵 Fried Ramen Noodle
3.日式壽司 Sushi Roll
4.香芋球 / 可樂餅Taro Ball/ Croquettes
5.黑椒齋捲杏鮑時蔬 ham and mushroom roll
6.三絲扣寶 upside down veggie strips
7.素烤肉串 BBQ Skewers
8. 香椿捲餅 Toona Wraps
9. 叉燒酥/咖哩酥 Curry puffs / BBQ puffs
10.撈生/珊瑚草 Malay lowsan / seaweed salad
11.鮮炒合菜steam mix green
12. 水果甜點 Fresh fruit Jelly cups
Karen's Wedding.
Buffet Style Menu:
1.富貴六拼盤 Six combo dishes
2.台式炒米粉 Rice Noodle Stir Fry
3.菠菜松子扣碗/豆腐腦 Peanut-Tofu with Green
4.三杯菇菇 Three cups mushroom
5. 蔬菜鹹派 Veggie Quiche
6.豪華魚翅羹 Luxury Shark Fin Soup
7.素串燒三拼 BBQ/Veggie/Satay Skewers
8.花園沙拉 Garden Salad
9.薑絲豆包魚 Marinade Tofu Fish
10.馬來紅咖哩 Malaysia Red Curry
11.紅寶石甜點杯 Berries Crystal
12. 花開水果 Fresh fruit